Accessibility Funding
Guide to Funding and Student Loans
Step 1: Complete the Funding Application Form
Fill out your Student Loan application. Your Admission Advisor can help you do this. To receive full consideration for grants, your loan must have the Disability box checked.
Step 2: Accessibility Services Advisor will Complete a Schedule 4
Your Accessibility Services Advisor will complete a Schedule 4 and provide information on your disability and accommodations. The Accessibility Services Advisor must sign this document. Your documentation of disability will be appended to the Schedule 4.
Step 3: Alberta Student Aid will Inform you about the Amount of your Approved Grants
It is advisable that you deposit your grant in a separate account from your daily banking accounts. This separate account will help you keep track of your money used for accessibility services.
- Purchase any software or other devices that were approved.
- Keep a record of your services received and expenditures.
- At the end of your program, you will have to complete a Disability Grant for Services and Equipment Reconciliation Worksheet and provide required receipts and documents.
Any grant money for services and equipment that is not used will have to be returned to the government.
Step 4: You will receive an Invoice from Columbia College Accounting for Fee-Based Services
Payment may be made at Bldg. 802, Main Office. Please bring your invoice so that the staff can indicate on the receipt the reason for payment.
Step 5: Submit Receipts and Return Unused Grant Money
Alberta Student Aid will provide you with instructions on how to proceed with this step. Usually, copies of receipts are sent in by the end of the academic year. Be sure to put your Social Insurance Number on any communication with Student Aid Alberta.
The Student Aid Alberta website has a Disability Grant for Services and Equipment Reconciliation Worksheet to help you manage your grant. Look under Students with Permanent Disabilities and Resources for Students.–for–students/
Connect with Accessibility Services
Reach out to the Accessibility Services department at: or (403) 235-9300.